Boy this summer seems long. We're trying to stay cool by rotating different types of water activities into our day. Friday's choice was to have Nichole, Jackson, and Davis come over to play in the backyard with the little splash pool. We finally got our baby swing up after SIX trips to Home Depot and FIVE clip exchanges. Phew. And we lowered our belt swing so the little kids have an easier time :)
We had a fun play morning with the Holmes family, and we spent the afternoon sweating our rears off outside. Then...*cue sounds of the heavens* Gigi called and invited us to go swimming. Hallelujah! We had a great time, and this little bugaboo got to sleep an hour late tonight because we completely lost track of time. The camera's being cleaned right now (from the beach trip, woo!) so I'll leave you with a video we shot swimming with Gigi last week.
I was determined to take a mini-vacation this year. I tried getting Anthony (Grande) on board with a trip to Colorado, Corpus/South Padre, among other ideas. We ended up settling on my childhood summer spot, Galveston. Since it's only about an hour from my parents' house it would be easy to make a 4-day trip and hit the beach. We've had a super dry summer in Texas so all seemed well. ...until Hurricane/Tropical Storm/Annoying Don started heading toward the coast. Our plan of heading out early on Friday morning to do a beach day was thwarted. It was gray most of the day, and we decided that our beach trip was canceled and should just head to the local farm where it didn't matter if we got sprinkled on or not.
I like to start my vacations with a picture of the first moment I consider us to be "on our way". In this case, I took a picture of my sleepy baby the morning we were leaving Leander. I woke HIM up for a change. Haha!
Farm time!
And Nanny finally got to see him. Sadly, she missed him last time we went due to a baby health scare. Yuck!