Friday, August 27, 2010

Anthony's First Visit to Great-Granny and Great-Grandad's House

I put it off for as long as possible. I told myself that putting my car-hating child on the road for over 3 hours was insane. I didn't have any free weekends coming up, and going alone would be even more insane. I told myself there was waaaay too much work to do to be making trips to Dallas.

Then I realized that all of that stuff didn't matter. The little man needed to meet ALL of his great-grandparents, even the ones who aren't close to Austin. Tuesday morning the baby and I loaded up the car (with some help from Big Anthony!), and we set out for Dallas (well, Richardson). After I picked up my coffee (thank you drive-thru Starbucks!) he fell asleep, and he didn't wake up until around Waxahachie. He was pretty upset, and I even missed my exit for 75, but we made it! Granny and Grandad were so excited to see him!

Granny Visit-0297

Granny Visit-0299

Granny Visit-0300

Granny Visit-0302
Granny will probably kill me for those; her patio is usually a lot neater, but I had to post every every every cute pic!

Granny Visit-0310

Granny Visit-0312

Granny Visit-0318

Granny decided to take some bread down to the pond and throw it in for the fish to come up and nibble. We had a good time watching all the teeny little perch swarm like piranhas around the frozen crumbs of bread. Some turtles joined in on the fun too, big bullies. Then some WHOPPER catfish started coming out of nowhere and stealing the bread. Compared to the tiny perch it was like a whale coming out of the water :) Many know my personal hatred of catfish. Granny suggested we get some poles and catch one! We walked back to the house, got some poles, got laughed at by Grandad for thinking we could catch one, and off we went. This is what happened.

Granny Visit-0319
(Those purplish looking things would be the fish.)

Granny Visit-0322

Granny Visit-0325

Granny Visit-0328

Granny Visit-0329

Granny Visit-0333

Granny Visit-0334

Granny Visit-0337

Granny Visit-0341

Accidentally got a turtle :/
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Granny Visit-0348

Granny Visit-0353

Granny Visit-0360

Granny Visit-0361

Granny Visit-0363

Granny Visit-0364

Granny Visit-0366

Got him!!
Granny Visit-0372

Granny Visit-0374

Granny Visit-0377

Granny Visit-0378

Granny Visit-0387

Granny Visit-0389

Granny Visit-0393

Granny Visit-0394

Granny Visit-0397

Throwing him back. Maybe next time Isaac comes he can catch it with Granny again :)
Granny Visit-0402

Granny holding up the fish that I caught. That's right, I'm gonna have him mounted! Just kidding, it was all catch and release. I'd like to add that I caught this goober with a plain jane old hook. No bait, just a hook. That's natural selection at its best.
Granny Visit-0403

Sharing Grandad's chair!
Granny Visit-0413

Granny Visit-0416

Granny Visit-0418

Granny has bathed most of the grandkids in her sink, and I didn't want her to miss out on that with the little Anthony.
Granny Visit-0423

Granny Visit-0428

Granny Visit-0429

Granny Visit-0432

Look at that face! Don't worry baby, mama hid all the private bits from the internet.
Granny Visit-0437

Granny Visit-0440

Once the little man would go to bed, Granny and I would sit up late playing card games she would teach me. I had a blast and would love it if we lived closer so Anthony could spend more time with them. Hopefully they'll make it down for his first birthday!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Faith's Newborn Shoot

I'm so thrilled for my first newborn shoot! Please head on over to the Whitney Lee blog and look!


Thanks y'all!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shark Week

I planned to actually put up my Shark Week post during Shark Week, but you know how that goes. Anthony didn't understand my excitement. It's not like it's Christmas or a birthday, and I can't even say how many shows I got to watch since I was so busy, but this has so much nostalgia attached to it. My mom and I have been watching Shark Week for TWENTY YEARS, PEOPLE. That's a long time. And we would get all giddy and watch gruesome shark attack victims talk about their stories, and we'd discuss our fears time and time again. We'd freak each other out and constantly say, "whoa, did you see that?! Oh, did you see the woman who got attacked on yesterday's episode?!.." and on and on.

This is exciting because it's one of the traditions that I can hopefully continue with Anthony. There are so many he probably won't want to do that I had shared with my mom because they'll be "girly". But Shark Week has something for everyone! And I can't believe that Big Anthony didn't even know what Shark Week was or that it existed until we met. What planet has he been living on?! I'm glad he could step into the light, hehe!

I got the little man decked out for Shark Week, but he couldn't concentrate on holding the little shark (from his bath toys) while there was a camera around. That's right, he's got a shark onesie on, and that's not the only one he owns :)

Anthony Shark Week-0308

Anthony Shark Week-0309

Anthony Shark Week-0310

Anthony Shark Week-0311

Last Thursday, Auntie-Cousin Samantha came over, and we went out to Leander to go swimming. We were pretty pooped when we got back, and I ended up being a total lobster even though I had 50 sunblock on. WHAT?! Yes. And I'd like to note for the record that Samantha is laying on a pile of diapers :)

Anthony Shark Week-0318

Anthony Shark Week-0321

Anthony Shark Week-0322

Anthony Shark Week-0323

Anthony Shark Week-0326

Son, drinking and driving is not cool. Not cool.
Anthony Shark Week-0332