Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hagood Family Pictures

Hello, 200th blog post!

Internet, are you glad that I have returned? I didn't fall off the face of the Earth, I just dug half way through it to Productive City. Super cute Jewish wedding posts are coming soon after all this hard work!

In all the craziness I realized I hadn't gotten around to posting some highlights of the family photos Whitney took of our little Hagood group back on 10-10-10. You feast your eyes on these while I keep searching the rest of the internet to find a fun rental house for our in-between-house-time (which may be coming up reallllly soon).


The Hagood Family-3

The Hagood Family-9

The Hagood Family-13

The Hagood Family-15

The Hagood Family-19

The Hagood Family-39

The Hagood Family-45

The Hagood Family-49

The Hagood Family-59

The Hagood Family-73

Tie for fave picture! This one...
The Hagood Family-75

The Hagood Family-81

and this one!!
The Hagood Family-87

The Hagood Family-101

The Hagood Family-117

This will give us some great eye-candy for our new walls! Hooray!

I'm sleepy, but I'm trying to get pumped up for this weekend. Tomorrow I have Nicole's rehearsal dinner, Saturday is Maegan's wedding, and Sunday is Amanda's College Station bridals (eeeek, my poor Longhorn feet having to walk on that campus...aaaah!).

*love and rockets*

1 comment:

Stacy Cross said...

SO sweet! I love how very "fall" these are! Beautiful!