Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One Month!

Oh boy, the little bug turned one month on Saturday, January 16th. Which was also one set of his grandparents anniversary, (woowoo!)...a day of celebration!

This month has seemed never-ending in some ways (i.e., when I can't get him to calm down, when I'm up for the millionth time that night, and when I start zoning out all day but can't sleep b/c the sun is out...). In other ways, it feels like it flew by. My mom visited this weekend, and she was amazed at his size (he's at least 10 pounds now!) and how much he keeps his eyes open. Indeed he stays awake a HUGE chunk of the day, and that blows my mind b/c I thought babies slept more than that. Take today for instance, it's 1:40pm as I type this, and he has slept approximately 30 minutes since he woke up this morning. Cranky? Yes. Hungry? Always.

But I digress. I started thinking back to when we first brought him home. He did sleep almost all day, sometimes had to be woken up for feedings, and people got super excited if they got to see his eyes b/c the sleepy little thing hardly ever opened them (oh boy those were the days!).

Tomorrow the squirt-bert will be 5 weeks old. I like to keep count of the weeks because 1) that's how they count their first growth spurts, and I like to know when they're coming and 2) they come faster than the months so it makes me feel like I've achieved more!

Here are some pics of him playing last week...including a smile finally caught on camera!!





A picture of his Granny holding him on the big one month!
One Month!

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