Dear Anthony,
You're 19-months old! Sometimes you look so tiny, and other times it seems like you're a monster. Your feet seem really big, but I'm sure they're totally normal for your age :) You're over 2 1/2 feet tall, and you weigh a little over 20lbs. You recently got your 13th tooth, and I feel pretty sure you're working on another one. Grow, grow, grow! It's like your little mantra, but I'd be happy if you stayed my little guy just a bit longer.
You've been down to one nap a day for a while, and that seems to be a much better routine for us than your 2 naps (although it is hard to have lunch with anyone now!). Your doctor has given us the all-clear for traveling with you, and we're starting with some small stuff soon. Your first beach trip is coming up next week, and we'll hit up Dallas next month. I'm trying to convince your dad to do these Colorado and London trips so maybe you can do me a favor and make one (or both!) of those words next out of your mouth :) Right now you say Mama, Dada, Papa, and a stream of little-little-diddle-diddle that I'm not sure what it means! You almost have Grandpa, but it needs a little refinement. Adorable!
You could still care less for whole vegetables but still like them in the puree form. Everything else is on track and real "grown-up" food for you. Hopefully the vegetables aren't far behind! All this good eating has given you plenty of energy, and I try to let you run around as much as possible. You're definitely fidgety about getting out of the stroller unless we're on a morning walk (or if there's a snack involved!). We got a BOB stroller this week, and you seem to enjoy this a lot more than the old one. You can climb in yourself, and the canopy blocks a lot more sun for you. Yay! I can't wait for the fall weather so the morning walks don't leave us drenched in sweat :/
You still need your D quite a bit, and we've had an upstairs and a downstairs D for a while now. Sometimes we even have to take it on errands with us, and it's a must-have for all road trips. Besides D, your favorite thing is being outside or occasionally watching Baby Signing Times (I swear you'd watch this every day if we let you). You can sign a lot of things, but they're more meaningful now and actually about what you want at that moment. A few days ago you actually started signing along with the video whereas usually you sign to me when it's not on. It was a cool/funny development when you started signing along with Miss Rachel!
I can't wait to see what the next month brings! You've been quite a rough and tough boy lately, and you've taken a much bigger interest in playing with your cars lately. We'll see where that takes us, especially on vacation :)
I love you more than anything, my favorite little person.
P.S. You give kisses when I ask for them, and it. melts. my. heart.