Monday, June 9, 2008

Bridal Extravaganza

Wow, I have never seen such bridal madness. Thanks to new pal Whitney Lee (check her out at, I got the chance to go along for the bridal extravaganza as a boothie rather than a bride. I had always been slightly weary of these events, thinking I'd go numb from the sugar coated brides walking around...oohing and aaahing over ridiculous items just because it has "Bride and Groom" written on it. However, it actually turned out to be pretty fun... just mixed with a lot of hard work! I was fortunate to work on a fun team and have a creative display area so that might have had something to do with it =D

I also got to hang out with some fun chics during the day, nice to meet y'all (Leah, Joy, Olivia)!

UPDATE ALERT: I have this cell phone pic which the lovely Whitney let me yank from her website. Oh yeah, take in the faux-grassiness of it all!

Thanks for the pic, Whitney! You can read up on Whitney's experience by visiting her here.

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