Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leah's Anniversary

Leah is a new pal (works with Whitney Lee Photography), and she was so excited to celebrate her 5 years of dating and 2 years of marriage with her beloved Taylor. The adorable couple and the fabulous Whitney invited me to come to the shoot. For Whitney's pics, see her blog or check out Leah's flickr page.

The moment before a kiss

Mmmmm...wall kisses

Some people star-gaze...he does the Leah-gaze

They got schmushy noses having a staring contest!

These are the "Godzilla attacks!!!" faces

Love on a yellow cinder block

The view from above

This was a very nice wall

Miss Leah

Taylor jumping for Joy!...I mean for Leah...

I just like this one

I have some more to go check back for more Leah and Taylor! Thanks guys :)

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