Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Father's Day 2010

This year marked the first Mother's Day and first Father's Day in our little family, yippee!! Since it was Anthony's Day (big Anthony), I told him we could do whatever he wanted. He decided we should spend the day out at his family's house celebrating with all of the Hagoods, multi-generation fun :)

I'll start right off with saying I was SUPER PSYCHED that little Anthony would have the chance to get in a pool (or any body of water bigger than our bathtub) for the FIRST TIME. Let me repeat that so it sinks in, THE FIRST TIME. And here's the kicker, I didn't take photos of it. Why you may ask?? Little Anthony's window of time to get in after lunch and before he had take a nap so we could make the trek home was very small. I had a decision to make...get the camera out, take lots of pictures of him getting in the water with someone else...or actually experience taking him in myself, and knowing that I wouldn't have time to get out and get the camera and have him get in with someone else. I chose LIFE! Experience! Moments with my son! Yeah, it's not on camera, but it's stored in my memory forever :) Would I love some photos of the look on his face when we walked him in?...sure! Next time we'll remember to buy a cheapy-disposable-water-proof-camera. Live and learn!

Big Anthony thought there was no way the little man would enjoy it, especially so close to his nap time. There was lots of preparation involved: sunscreen, swim diaper, swimsuit, hat, floaty with hood for shade...check! He seemed a little bewildered for a minute, and then he was just content and curious. We pushed him around, played with a couple water toys, and we held him. This went on for about 10 whole minutes, and then it was time for a nap :) Not much for a first experience, but we know Gigi and Grandad will let us come back and use the pool anytime! (Right? RIGHT?!?!?!) In fact, stay tuned for pics of Anthony and Alex swimming because Leslie and I are determined to get out there when it stops raining.

Other than swimming, we ate good food, talked with family, and we even visited our lot on the way home to see if anything had changed. We knew they hadn't broken ground yet, but we wanted to see if they started clearing the cedar trees that we knew had to go.

Our Lot!

Anthony Father's Day 2010-1256

(Below) Left to right: Anthony Warren, Anthony Perry, Gary, Hugh, Jarrod, Jaden
Anthony Father's Day 2010-1263

And in case you can't tell what you're looking at next, this is my big head blocking the way of a cute baby using a grown-up cup for the first time. This isn't his primary method of drinking, but he kept grabbing at all the cups so we decided to let him try it. It went well for a while, and eventually there was a big movement on his part, and water kinda got all over my lap :)
Anthony Father's Day 2010-1268

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