Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Monkey Suit

Last night we were grocery shopping, and some guy in a turban came up to me and kissed his thumb and held it up near my belly and said "Lucky baby". Why thank you, sir :) I'll take all my luck and blessings where I can get em!

And this lucky baby may have saved me from getting T-Boned by an idiot in a green BMW this morning. You could have fit a sheet of paper between our cars and that's about it. He wasn't even looking, just came flying right off the highway and started changing lanes without regard for anyone else. I could have gone into labor in traffic because I was in pain and really upset. This guy works in my building. I can tell by his sticker. He better hope we don't meet again.

But I digress...

Let's look at cute pictures of my nephew at his first birthday party on Halloween. The monkey baby.







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