Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Things and Stuff

This has already been a busy week. I feel like I was out and about most of the day yesterday and today. My volunteering went great today, made possible in part by Cousin. I also got to stitch tonight, woo! Now tomorrow I have some serious errands to run before Mark gets here for his whirlwind visit. Thursday, more errands. Friday, photo shoot and prep for mom's visit. Somewhere in there I need to, oh you know, WORK.

Even though I got home right at 9 o'clock, I still missed my guilty pleasure, Teen Mom, because I clean forgot about it.

Photos from around the time of my mom and dad's last visit that I think I haven't shared yet...

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1568

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1572

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1575

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1579

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1580

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1587

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1589

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1591

I'm in love with this photo :)
anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1592

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1594

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1596

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1602

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1605

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1606

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1609

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1614

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1618

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1623

anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1631

Here's a pic from visiting Grandma Abke while she's been in town. She scared the crap out of the baby because of how loud she is :)
anthony with my mom and dad september 2010-1641

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